About Guine


Name: Guinevere K.
Nickname(s): Guin, Guine, G, GK
Age: Born 1990
Gender/Biological sex: She/Her/Female
Racial makeup: Asian x Irish/Scottish


Orientation: Bisexual, Demisexual, practices Polifidelity
In a few words I am: Crazy, creative, shy and loud at the same time, passion-driven
Favorite colors: Pink #e84583 and purple #48337c
Favorite music: Folk, 70's-2000's, Jazz, Electro Swing, EDM, Tropical House
Zodiac(s): Horse (Chinese), Sagittarius (astrological)
Username Info: My name is a play off of Guinevere: I cut up the name into Guin + Evere and I took the Evere and I replaced it with Furrie. It is pronounced [GWEN-ih-furry], and Guin/e is pronounced [GWEN].
Why won't you reply to me: I do not do DMs anymore


F-list: Click here
Sexual likes: N/A
 Sexual role-play: No
 Last updated: 10/11/20 1:35PM

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